haha...i juz read kinda article which tell sumthn bout women...4 women...chill kayh..take a deep breath n enjoy ur reading..heee....
WOMEN are controlled by their hormones - even a small amount of hormones sending their emotions into whirl (kind of swinging n changes)
meanwhile MEN are immune to those chemicals - dats y they owez acts cool and calm [laid-back]= lack of emotions ( sumtimes infuriating women )
WOMEN has a higher rate of depression, post traumatic stress disorder & other anxiety problems.
The study focused on one of the hormone- Corticotropin Releasing Factor a.k.a. CRF which control a body reaction to stress (psychiatric condition)
however they only test it on animal and make some similarities with humans
WOMEN are twice as vulnerable as MEN (men can conrol/reduce the amount of hormones)
ea? patOt laa..
haha..btw..it juz hormone..it cant fully cntrol us!huhu..we dcide ourself..hee
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